Tuesday, October 28, 2008

BARC Social potluck + film

Scrumptious vegetarian and vegan food, BARC friends all around, and a movie on a big TV - - all of this can be yours!

This Saturday, BARC will be holding a social potluck so that we can all enjoy a good meal and get to know each other a little better. We will also be watching the HBO documentary I am an Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA. The event will be held in New Dorm A Room 207 (aka Vartan Gregorian Quad), where we have homey seating and an uncommonly large television set. You are encouraged to bring a dish, although you should definitely come regardless of whether you are able to prepare something. We ask that all food be vegetarian, preferably vegan (please note non-vegan dishes). This event is for EVERYONE in BARC - - even if you haven't been active so far, this is a great time to meet some people and get involved.

What: BARC Vegetarian/Vegan potluck + film
What day: Saturday, November 1
What time: Starts at 6:00pm, and we will start the movie around 6:30
Where: New Dorm A (Vartan Gregorian Quad A), Room 207

The more we know each other, the better we will be able to work together for the sake of the animals we all care about. Additionally, I am an Animal should be a fascinating film for anyone interested in the animal rights movement.

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