Sunday, September 23, 2007


We have changed our name to BARC - Brown Animal Rights Club! This name gives us a clear purpose and pronunciation. Hopefully this will lead to less confusion.

Here are the notes from the last meeting, courtesy of Tisa:

We decided to do the KFC demo from 4:30 to 5:30pm on October 3rd. (not sure which kfc yet.)

We need to come up with 100 names by September 30th for the veg pledge. We'll each be responsible for (at least) 10 -15.
PLEASE download the sign-up sheet here:
Download it quickly because it will expire 9/30!

We considered Chicken Run, Babe, Finding Nemo and Charlotte's Web for veg movie night. We're waiting to hear back from BEAN. If we don't hear back from them by our next meeting, we'll proceed without them.

We'll bring KFC protest fliers to the next meeting for everyone to distribute in their dorms and around campus.

We will vote on a movie next week.

Please visit . It's a social networking site specifically for animal rights.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Happy New (School) Year!

Here is what we discussed at our first meeting of the year:
College Veg Pledge! (Tuesday, November 13)
We want to plan an activity the weekend before the pledge day (Nov 9 or 10) using the SAO's Late Night fund, possibly a joint venture with BEAN. We would serve vegan food, show an AR-themed movie, and get people to sign up for the pledge.
We will tableslip for the next meeting, which is Thursday, 9/20, 7-8pm in Wilson 105. If you can tableslip Ratty lunch on Thursday, please let us know.
We will also be protesting KFC soon.
We all want to improve the quality of vegetarian food in the cafeterias. Let's think of concrete improvements that could be made and then suggest them to Dining Services.
Currently, meetings are Thursdays, 7-8 in Wilson 105. If this time doesn't work for you, but you want to come to the meetings, let us know, because we can still change it.
Also, we might want a name change. Animal Rights Club? Vegetarian Club? Post your suggestions.