Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"Earthlings" film screening

BARC will be hosting a free screening of the acclaimed documentary film Earthlings on Thursday, February 28 at 8:00pm in Foxboro Auditorium. Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, Earthlings describes the ways in which people abuse and exploit nonhuman animals. Earthlings is perhaps the most comprehensive and compelling film of its kind, covering the treatment of animals used for food, pets, clothing, entertainment and scientific research.

Everyone is urged to attend, but most importantly, please encourage friends and other acquaintances to come as well. It's worth it.

Want to help prepare for the screening? Please contact adam_hoffman@brown.edu

NOTE: This week's BARC meeting will be moved to 8pm and held in Wilson 103 in order to accommodate people going to see Michael Pollan speak about food and ethics.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Events you might find interesting...

There are a couple upcoming events (not sponsored by BARC) relevant to the ethics of eating:

"In Defense of Food: The Omnivore's Solution"
February 21, 2008 at 6pm in Salomon 101
Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food" and the acclaimed "The Omnivore's Dilemma" will be speaking. Our weekly BARC meeting will be moved to 8pm to accommodate this event.

"Cracking the Chocolate Code"
April 13, 2008 from 1:00-3:30 in the RISD Auditorium
Leading nutritionist David Wolfe will be speaking about "how chocolate can save the world." The event is being presented by Nora Hammerman, a vegan and BARC supporter. www.davidwolfeatrisd.com

Category II status

BARC was recently approved for Category II status by the Undergraduate Council of Students (UCS). The main benefit will be a $90 social fund per semester.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone! We had our first BARC meeting of the semester on Thursday, January 31. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend!

Current plans: Midyear Activities Fair (2/5/08), request UCS Category II status, presentation about veganism at a local church in April, KFC demonstration

Other ideas: "Earthlings" film screening, leafleting on campus, host a speaker or speakers